Surgery Recovery 


We compiled a list of all the best tools to assist your post-operative recovery & rehabilitation


Scar Care 

Complete scar care includes sun protection, scar strips and topical treatments.

Check out our recs on how to keep your scars soft and well-cared for after surgery.

Dr. Logan's Recommendations

The Recovery Shop 

Visit our clinic shop for all your Recovery needs... from Ice Machines to Nutrition Support to Wedge Pillows to Massage Tools - everything will be delivered straight to your door. .

Dr. Logan's Recommendations

Soft Tissue Mobility & Foam Rolling 

One of the absolute keys to post-op success is soft tissue mobility. Mobility is achieved by massage, foam rolling and other soft tissue tools. 

Check Dr. Logan's recommended Foam Rolling technique videos, massage tools & more...

Dr. Logan's Recommendations

Peri-Operative Nutrition 


XR is a targeted amino acid supplement formulated with clinically studied ingredients at optimal effective doses in preserving skeletal muscle during the catabolic state of surgery. 

Consumption of essential amino acids (EAA's) preserves muscle muscle in the peri-operative period. Clinical study results can be found HERE.

Dr. Logan's Recommendations